This scene tends to set this gentleman with the hat, who I will refer to as ATMOM, aside from everyone else as they are all clearly engaged in daily activities. ATMOM? Acronym for Automatic Totalisators Man Of Mystery. This suggests to me that ATMOM is a visitor as I do not get the impression this pair are discussing a quality control issue with the counter drum-wheel, ATMOM is holding! Additionally ATMOM is the only one wearing a hat and there are coats and hats hanging on the walls presumably belonging to the employees. Most significant is that someone has considered ATMOM worthy of particular attention and drawn an arrow on the photograph pointing him out and providing a three word annotation which can be seen written across the second beam above him and to the right, above the join between the lower beam and the supporting pillar. Unfortunately the words near the tail of the arrow. I used to be fairly sure the first two words read Curtis of however the third word was and remains quite illusive and looks like Camera however there are many other possibilities like Canada Canoba Canola Camala Camela or Camola. In any case, ATMOM was worthy of note even if we don't get the message! More after the image...
The photographers stamp on the photograph reads Hall & Co 44 Hunter Street Sydney
An additional observation that gives credence to the idea that ATMOM might be important, is that he appears in another photo in my collection of Automatic Totalisators Limited photographs. Was he the reason these photos were taken? To see an image of this other photo, click on the image above and scroll up and select the image thumbnail with associated text starting This photograph is labelled First Workshop ATL. In that image, ATMOM is one of two men again standing apart from and observing the scene, to the left of the machines about halfway down the depth of the photo. Again, as ATMOM is also accompanied in this second image, it adds to the impression that ATMOM is a visitor.
As ATMOM seems to be having someone explaining a drum counter wheel from a drum counter display, following is a comment from Neville Mitchell, a long serving Automatic Totalisators manager regarding one of the drum counter displays with an associated adder in the image above: The Larger Drum Adder looks familiar, I think it is the same as the 1936 version I re-installed at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club track in 1969. These were the one's with the mercury digit transfer forked switches. we have mentioned before. The larger drum adder Neville refers to is the device in the middle of the bench consisting of four display drums. The first two digits are showing 98 the following digit is half way between 6 and 7 and the final digit is between 2 and 3. This device sums the total investment on a particular runner. The forked mercury switches Neville refers to, are discussed in the third image in the Longchamps Paris 1928 section of the photo gallery. To view this, click on the image, scroll to the bottom of the page, select the previous page button in the navigation bar and scroll down to the Longchamps Paris 1928 section and click on the third thumbnail showing the large shaft adder and read the paragraph starting with Neville Mitchell, the best historian of this company...
Returning to the subject of ATMOM and his identification it is probably a red herring but it is interesting to note that Glenn Curtiss, a famous American aviation pioneer was instrumental in developing Hialeah which appears earlier in this photo gallery under the heading Hialeah racetrack in Miami 1932. I have come across a lot more probable identity for this person. It is a result of wading through the wealth of Julius family documentation that Tony Shellshear, George Julius' great grandson gave me. It is titled BUILDING THE BRIDGE Twelve Lithographs with supplement in colour by ROBERT EMERSON CURTIS. Robert worked as an illustrator and cartoonist in Brisbane. His interest in the industrial expansion in Chicago took him to the United states. He was interested in the links between man and machines which would definitely have attracted him to Automatic Totalisators limited if he was aware of the mechanical computing of the totalisator systems. When he returned to Australia in 1928 he recorded the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge resulting in the Building The Bridge document. In 1940 Robert depicted activities in Commonwealth munition factories, which almost definitely would have included Automatic Totalisators Limited, as they manufactured munitions during WW2 (World War Two). He worked as a Camouflage Officer attached to the RAAF in Cairns and New Guinea and I wonder if the word that I cannot decipher written on this photo is some permutation of camouflage. If so I suspect these words were written on the photograph well after the photo was taken. Robert became an official war artist and was interested in technological achievements which makes the work of Automatic Totalisators Limited, in the field of mechanical computing an irresistible subject if he knew of them. He later became interested in the Sydney Opera House and as Julius Poole and Gibson were the prime Electrical Contractors, it is improbable that he would not have known of Automatic Totalisators Limited. For a person who developed a lifelong interest in industrial modernism, it is difficult to imagine that he would not have found a company, in the country that he spent the major part of his life, that was manufacturing large-scale, real-time, Multi-user systems long before the digital computers that made these concepts commonplace.
The image above titled Aerial View Alice Street factory post Automatic Totalisators Limited, was extracted from a 1949 aerial survey photograph titled City of Sydney - Aerial Photographic Survey, 1949 Map 102 and is from the Historical Atlas of Sydney. I received the aerial photograph image from Naomi Crago, an archivist at the City of Sydney archives when I enquired about the Newtown Project and the Alice Street factory.
In trying to establish which manufacturing facility the photo shown in the image at the top of this page was taken there are a couple of very strong indicators. The aerial image above can be related to the image at the top of this page.
Firstly, the image at the top of this page shows an obviously early manufacturing period of the company and it clearly shows the building has a corrugated iron roof. The image below shows the first Automatic Totalisators Limited factory which was at Alice street Newtown, and it too shows the corrugated iron roof. The factory Automatic Totalisators Limited later moved to ended up as a six storey building located in the city next to Central Station and definitely did not have a corrugated iron roof being of a much later era 1933, so the image at the top of the page is not in that factory, which means it must be the Alice Street Newtown factory.
Secondly, the 1949 aerial photograph was taken after Automatic Totalisators Limited had vacated this factory and moved to Chalmers street in the city. This move took place in 1933/34. How much change to the ex Automatic Totalisators Limited factory took place in the intervening years is unknown, however there is an aspect of this factory shown in the aerial image above that can be seen in the much earlier image at the top of this page. It can be seen in the aerial view shown above in the image titled Aerial View Alice Street factory post Automatic Totalisators Limited that a major part of the factory consists of two very long thin neighbouring structures with A-frame roofs. It also shows what looks like from above, four parallel close together and perpendicular extensions to this major part of the factory, about half way down and on the right hand side of the long thin sections. In the image at the top of this page, the most distant part of the roof visible shows the corrugations in the iron rising towards the camera. In the top left corner however, a small corrugated iron section of the roof is visible, which is much closer and is rising from left to right at 90 degrees to the previously mentioned part of the roof. This is how the roof would look if we were standing inside one of the perpendicular sections shown in the aerial view looking into the nearest of the two very long thin neighbouring structures with A-frame roofs.
I have previously speculated as to why the part of the factory down the bottom end of the two long thin sections shown in the aerial image above titled Aerial View Alice Street factory post Automatic Totalisators Limited, has a darker roof than the rest of this roof section above. Could it be that the darker part is older than the lighter part above which is an addition? The image at the top of this page seems to bear this out, as the corrugated iron wall with the long window in it, which disappears off the right hand end of the image, must be the end of this long narrow section of the factory. If this speculation is correct, then to line up with the darker part of the roof shown in the aerial photo, the top perpendicular segment of the factory shown in the 1949 aerial photo was not present at the time the much earlier photo at the top of this page was taken and all the light coloured section of the roof of the long thin section in the aerial photo has not yet been constructed. Additionally, judging by the amount of light that is coming in from what presumably are windows in the back wall of the image at the top of this page, it would appear that the second long narrow section of the factory with a separate A frame roof, the left of the two long narrow sections as seen in the aerial photo, which should be behind the wall at the back of the image at the top of this page, has not yet been built as it would be blocking this light from the back.
One final contemplation regarding ATMOM's identity, which also seems to be a possibility. Narelle just had a look at the annotation for ATMOM in a higher resolution version of the image at the top of this page. The first thing that came to her mind was that the word I had previously read as "of" actually is a J. This then drew my attention to what I have previously read as Curtis and now think is more like Curtin. On seeing this name, placing the initial first gives J. Curtin and only one person immediately came to mind, John Curtin Australia's war time Prime Minister regarded as one of Australia's best PMs.
I started to look into any possible connections between John Curtin, ATMOM and the totalisator. First I will mention that the photo shown at the top of this page was taken prior to John becoming Prime Minister. John became Prime Minister in 1941 and as the image at the top of this page shows a workshop in the Alice street factory, this photo could not have been taken after 1934, as the factory moved to Chalmers street in the city somewhere around the end of 1933 or the start of 1934. In other words, by the time John became Prime Minister Automatic Totalisators Limited had long vacated the Alice Street factory and had been in Chalmers street in the city for about 7 years. Neither was he yet the leader of the opposition as that took place in 1935. Trying to match up the face of ATMOM, which is not shown clearly in either of the photos, with images of John Curtin, I have been unable to draw any conclusions. There are distinct similarities like a square chin however considering that the two images containing ATMOM show no mouth features at all, it is very difficult to draw conclusions. I do get the vague impression that ATMOM looks older than what John would have looked like in the early 1930s, which I estimate is the era these photos were taken. That leaves us with seeing if there is any likely connections between ATMOM and John Curtin.
A remarkable characteristic of ATMOM, seen in the two photographs, is that he is extremely well dressed, in a suit, hat, Mandarin collar, bow tie/cravat and a dress hanky in the breast pocket. I learnt from the Australian Dictionary of Biography that John dressed the part, on occasions a bow tie and insisted that labor candidates be well turned out. Additionally ATMOM looks comparatively tall in the two images and I have read that John Curtin was 5 foot 11.
John Curtin did have an interest in horse racing. He wrote racing tips for the Westralian Worker in 1932. Despite this, he was not a punter and rarely bought a ticket and then mostly on the obligatory Melbourne Cup. Nor was he an advocate of gambling, quite the opposite in fact. He would later deliver deprecating opinions about betting on the races. John's main motivation for writing the racing tips may have been to promote sales of the Westralian Worker. During his tenure as Prime Minister during WW2 his opinions on gambling at racetracks became scathing. Following is an extract from a National Library Of Australia Trove Newspaper:
Citation: 1945 'BACKSTAGE OF SPORT', Call (Perth, WA : 1945 - 1953), 19 July, p. 2. , viewed 30 Apr 2018, appears that punting tips that John wrote in the Westralian Worker which was on sale the day before the races was to increase sales of the magazine.John Curtin was a lover of good horses, but be was never a punter. He had none of the instincts of a money gambler.
Before the war his visits to the racecourse would never average more than 2 a year. He never went into the betting ring.
You would find him wandering around the horse stalls or in the "birdcage" during parading time.
He broke away from committee stand parties to mingle anonymously with stable strappers.
He discussed with them everything about horses except their winning chances.
His bets were confined to a traditional 10/ on the Melbourne Cup, or a parochial (or senitimental) 10/ on Western Australian horses when they trekked to the Eastern States.
His life-long prejudice against race betting came close to intolerance after the outbreak of war.
One historic totalisator history event did take place during the Automatic Totalisators Limited tenure at this factory and that was the legalisation of totalisators in Victoria. Implementation of totalisators in Victoria lagged behind other states because they were illegal. The first year that the Julius tote operated on the Melbourne cup at Flemington was 1931. During this year, Julius totes commenced operation in Victoria at the Victoria Racing Club, Flemington, Moonee Valley Racing Club, Melbourne, Williamstown Racing Club, Williamstown and Victoria Amateur Turf Club, Caulfield. Additionally, in 1933 a Julius tote was installed at the Victorian Trotting and Racing Association, Ascot Melbourne and in 1936 another two were installed at the Mentone Turf Club Melbourne, Victoria and the Epsom Turf Club, Melbourne. Following is an extract from an NLA Trove article regarding the start of the process that resulted in these installations.
Citation: 1927 'THE TOTALISATOR IN VICTORIA', Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 - 1955), 23 November, p. 11. , viewed 30 Apr 2018, it be that a politician, particularly one with some knowledge of the racing industry, might visit the Automatic Totalisators Limited factory as part of the decision making process to select the right type of machine to be installed as mentioned in the article extracts above, which would have to be approved by the Minister also mentioned above?THE TOTALISATOR IN VICTORIA
The Totalisator Bill now going through the Victorian Parliament makes the establishment of the machine on metropolitan racecourses, both registered and unregistered, mandatory. The form of totalisator is left to regulation, as is also the dividend. It is certain, however, that there will be two machines -- straight out and place-- the latter paying 75 per cent and 25 per cent dividend on the first and second horses. The type of machine to be installed and the site on the racecourse has to receive the approval of the Minister.
webmaster's note:Inside this article is a photo of John Curtin, with Lewis McDonald and J. S. Hanlon in which John is dressed very much like ATMOM, except except he is wearing a traditional tie instead of a bow tie. Also note that John is referred to in this article as Jack. He had also been called Jim. The following paragraph appears below the photo and the final two paragraphs below that are other extracts from the article:From left to right: Jack Curtin (editor of "Westralian Worker," who recently visited Brisbane as a member of the Federal Childhood Endowment Commission), Lewis McDonald (Secretary of Queensland branch, A.L.P.), who gave evidence on behalf of the Queensland Labor Movement, and J. S. Hanlon (Editor of Queensland "Worker"). (Curtin and Hanlon, who were born within a stone's throw of each other in the little town of Creswick (Vic.), some 40 odd years ago, renewed acquaintanceship recently, after a lapse of several years.)
Moving the second reading of the measure last week, Prendergast said that the two main arguments of the opponents of the machine were that it legalised gambling, and that it increased gambling. In reply to the first argument, he would say that betting on racecourses had always been legal. The proposal that the State should get revenue from this source involved no new principle. Already revenue was derived from bookmakers' licences and from betting tickets tax. Therefore, on the grounds of morality, there was no difference in getting money from the book maker or the totalisator.
Prendergast said that the advantages of the totalisator included these : There was no crying of the odds, no credit betting, no doubles or trebles, absolute accuracy, and with proper administration the machine would eventually reduce betting. The totalisator would be welcomed by the majority of the people. It would not allow women or children to bet.
Now moving on to the WW2 war years, when John Curtin was Prime Minister, to see some of the problems he faced. Following is another NLA Trove newspaper article archive extract:
Citation: 1941 'MR. CURTIN'S PROBLEMS.', North West Champion (Moree, NSW : 1915 - 1954), 9 October, p. 2. , viewed 29 Apr 2018,'s now glance at some of the deprecating comments about racetrack betting, resulting from the dictates of war. Following are a couple more extracts from an NLA Trove article:MR. CURTIN'S PROBLEMS.
With his cabinet duly chosen, Mr. John Curtin, Australia's Labor Prime Minister, has met Parliament and prepared the way for a suitable adjournment to enable him to face up to the question of framing a war budget. The Commonwealth thus enters upon a new phase of its political existence, but whether the result will bring a greater degree of stability than has been in evidence in recent months remains to be seen. If Mr. Curtin can bring to Australia a more unified and more intensified war effort -- for that after all is the para mount consideration -- he will deserve the goodwill of all. If, on the other hand, the changeover is merely going to perpetuate the internecine struggles of the past year then the last state will have been worse than the first.
Mr. Curtin will have the supreme duty of keeping the war machine going at an increasing tempo. Nobody doubts his complete sincerity in facing this almost superhuman task but, be it right or wrong, the impression prevails that "things will be easier under Labor," and that less will be required in the way of personal sacrifice--except by the other fellow--than under the former regime. Mr. Curtin will extract little comfort from the fact that record crowds have attended the spring meeting in Sydney, and that, at the very time when the Commonwealth is launching its hundred million war loan, hundreds of thousands of pounds have rattled heedlessly through the totalisators. That is not the atmosphere of a maximum war effort, and Mr. Curtin may well find it one of the main obstacles in his path.
Citation: 1943 'Curtin Attacks Betting', The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), 25 October, p. 11. (HOME EDITION), viewed 29 Apr 2018, Attacks Betting
CANBERRA, Mon -- Reports of heavy betting transactions in Commonwealth notes at Randwick in the weekend and of record tote investments at Melbourne drew a stinging comment from Prime Minister Curtin today.He specially warned bookmakers against carrying out large-scale transactions in cash or notes, saying this was one of the causes responsible for the heavy increase in the note Issue.
Mr Curtin also said that it would have been better if those who rushed totalisators and bookmakers at Randwick and Flemington had backed Australia by investing in war loan instead of backing racehorses.
Rolls Of Notes
"Record investments on the tote and the huge turnover with bookmakers show that a great many people were employed as clerks, prolonging their weekday avocations instead of resting and fitting themselves for this week's work because they chose to provide for other peoples' betting activities and recreation," he said."I understand also that a great many punters pulled rolls of notes out of their pockets to bet with.
"This reveals at once one of the reasons why the note issue has gone up.
"According to Sydney reports one man pulled five £100 notes out of his pocket to put on a horse.
"This man was a thoughtless enemy of his country, to put it mildly.
"Transactions on that scale are not in the category usually covered by cash, and I issue a warning that the income tax department will be very interested in cash transactions of this magnitude being carried on."
Whether ATMOM is John Curtin or not, I think this has been an interesting glimpse at the racing industry from a different perspective. If he is not ATMOM we can still thank the writer of the annotation in the image at the top of this page for having drawn attention to John Curtin and his contrary view of the racing industry. George Julius and John Curtin certainly were contemporaries George living from 1873 to 1946 and John 1885 to 1945. As the CSIR later known as the CSIRO was a major asset to the Australian war effort it seems highly improbable that John Curtin would not have known George Julius as he was the Chairman of that organisation.
I recall how astonished I was when I first noticed that the racing industry did not come to a complete halt during war years. The interest in totalisators continues during war! following is an extract from a 1946 article on the Gloucester Park totalisator in the Western Mail newspaper titled IDEA THAT PAID DIVIDENDS, which was in the Trove newspaper Internet archive. This article relates to the second world war. Following is the pertinent extract:
Citation: 1946 'Romance of the automatic tote had origins in this State The Gloucester Park totalisator at night. IDEA THAT PAID DIVIDENDS', Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), 5 December, p. 26. , viewed 28 Feb 2017,
Still on the subject of tote operation in wartime, Chris Robertson an ex high value punter and expert on totalisator history, wrote the following comment in March 2017 about the Longchamps Julius totalisator in Paris France:War Boosted Turnover
THE two totalisators in this State augment the incomes of Over 200 employees and in 1945-46 over £16,000 was paid in wages. When the totalisator at Gloucester Park was installed it was estimated that the maximum amount which could be handled at a meeting would be £30,000. Before the war a maximum turnover of £20,000 had not been reached.
During the war the boom was such that £30,000 turnover was not only attained, but £40,000 was reached and exceeded on four occasions, the maximum put through at one meeting being about £44,000.
Regarding the tote betting during the war: Longchamps continued racing under German Occupation during World War 2. That probably meant the Julius tote was printing tickets for German troops on leave, as well as for the many Vichy government collaborators spending a day at the races.The wheels of the Totalisator keep turning regardless! It reminds me of another example of this, a story related to me by John Pickering, ex Marketing Manager of Automatic Totalisators Limited which I have presented elsewhere on this website. In short, during the second World War, an Automatic Totalisators Limited engineer was incarcerated in Manila by the Japanese Army. He was allowed out on the week ends to run the totalisator!
Following is one final possible connection between George Julius and John Curtin. First some extracts from the book Julius Poole and Gibson The First Eighty Years with a secondary title From Tote To CAD published by Julius Poole and Gibson:
One of the great contributions made by George Julius to the well being of Australia resulted from his appointment in 1926 by Prime Minister S.M.Bruce( later Viscount Bruce ) as chairman to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR ) - forerunner of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO ). Webmaster's note: George Julius was the chairman of the CSIR until retirement in 1945.As indicated in the extract above, George Julius concurred with BHP chief Essington Lewis after he returned from Japan thoroughly alarmed, that Australia should act immediately to produce planes and fliers. John Curtin too was concerned about the build up of Japanese air power and advocated more funds be available to build up the Australian Air Force. With an interest in building up the Air Force he would have likely had an interest in the Division of Aeronautics and the £143000 George convinced the Government to spend for the Aeronautical Research Laboratories to be built at Fishermans Bend near Melbourne. The above extract also indicates George was valued for his shrewd dealing with politicians, another indicator that it is highly likely he and John would have known each other. Even prior, in the time of the Alice Street Newtown factory, George Julius had access to cabinet members through the CSIR. His appointment in 1926, as chairman to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research was by the Prime Minister at the time, S.M.Bruce. George kept in contact with multiple cabinet ministers as mentioned above and it is highly probably that ATMOM, if not John Curtin, was a politician.
In the thirties Sir George Julius realised there was a need for more research work in secondary industry. Despite strong opposition from the Department of Defence to any extension of the activities of the CSIR, he presided over the establishment of a Division of Aeronautics and was appointed chairman of the important Commonwealth Committee on Secondary Industries Testing and Research in 1936. According to CSIR Chief David Rivett:The switch of the CSIR to secondary industry and into many aspects of defence planning probably stemmed from a visit by BHP chief Essington Lewis to Japan in 1936. He returned thoroughly alarmed at what he saw and urged the Lyons Ministry to act immediately to produce planes and fliers.George Julius concurred. By 1938 he had convinced the Government that £143000 would be needed for Aeronautical Research Laboratories to be built at Fishermans Bend near Melbourne. The Daily Telegraph, 7 April, 1945 recorded:
Generally it is he ( Julius ) who has to battle for new funds, and getting money in lump sums is no sinecure.Sir George's value to the Council was in contact with politicians. He was flexible and extremely shrewd in his handling of the species Homo Politicus.
Without his experience, ability to manoeuvre and thorough understanding of when to concede in appearance without surrendering the substance, the independent scientists might not have had so smooth a run through CSIR's first twenty years.
I have since found a better high resolution version of the image at the top of this page and I think, although there are certain similarities between John Curtin and ATMOM, that ATMOM is too old at the time this photograph was taken to be John. Additionally, zoomed in on ATMOM in this better version of the image, it is clear that ATMOM is not wearing glasses, which I think John would have been. I have left the above information on John Curtin in this page as I still think it is most likely that John Curtin and George Julius would have known each other, particularly as I have read that George Julius had excellent connections with Cabinet. Another reason for leaving the above information is that it provides an interesting alternate view, in a war context, of the racing and betting industry and consequently the totalisator industry as well.
There is another image in the Alice Street group of photos in the Photo Gallery, that shows another early workshop like the one at the top of this page, where TIMs (Ticket Issuing Machines) are being assembled. It is evident from examination of the two photographs that they are in neighbouring sections of the Alice Street Newtown factory. I have included a reduced copy of the other image below for comparison with the image at the top of this page.
The Drum Counter Wheel display assembly section shown at the top of this page starts behind the three wooden pillars shown in the image above, in the upper half and a little more than the left hand half of the image. Each beam rises behind the backs of three of the men working at the bench, the first being the man completely visible on the near side of the closest bench, the second on the far side of the same bench far left, the third to the right of the second man. On the right hand pillar of the three, there are a couple of notices or drawings attached and there is also a long black tool looking like a heavy duty pincer dangling from it. This pillar and notices can be seen at the right hand end of the bench in the image at the top of this page which has a lot better view of the pincer like tool. The woodwork support structure above these beams can be made out in both photos as well. In the image above, near the top of the pillar with the pincer, the wooden support structure takes the shape of a right angled triangle with the pillar forming the vertical side and the plank joining the third pillar to the second pillar of three on the left, forming the horizontal side of the triangle. This triangle is clearly visible in the image at the top of this page to the right of the pillar with the pincer like tool. In this image at the top of the page a second horizontal plank parallel with and above the base of the triangle can be seen more clearly, which forms a smaller triangle. This parallel plank can also be made out in the image above although it is partly obscured by the bottom part of the drive belt between the two pulleys.
The first thing that I saw that planted the seed that these two photographs show parts of the factory adjacent to each other, was in the image at the top of this page, where I noticed a TIM visible behind and on the right hand side of the pillar with the pincer like tool. To the right of the bottom of the pincer like tool two men are visible in the background. Below and in front of them, the shiny top surface of a TIM is visible, partly obscured by the pillar with its corner pointing upwards and facing the camera. The runner number arc can be seen on the TIM. I immediately thought this might be the TIM assembly section shown in the image above, that could be neighbouring the section shown at the top of this page. I then sought further evidence that these two photographs of two different sections of the factory were adjacent to each other. I have another photo of this very TIM assembly section shown above, that is not presented on this website as it is very similar. The main difference is that it is from a much more elevated perspective and angled a little to the right and with no staff working at the near table. The first confirmation that these assembly sections are adjacent came from this second photograph of the TIM assembly section, when I saw some Drum Counter Wheel displays on a bench to the left of the three pillars previously mentioned and shown in the image above.
Now with growing confidence, I sought any other evidence of the two sections being adjacent. In the photo not presented on this website, there is a good view of dark cloths that are dangled in specific areas from the corrugated iron back wall. These line up perfectly with the ones shown in the Drum Counter Wheel display assembly section image at the top of this page. There is one of these cloths visible in the image above, the bottom right hand corner of which starts to the left of the head of the man on the right hand side of the far side of the near bench. Finally, above and to the right of that same man's head, there is an obtuse triangle shaped outline above the shiny corrugated iron section of the far wall. The apex of this triangle which is the obtuse angle is formed by two planks of wood. The left hand congruent side of the triangle is partly obscured by the power chord for the suspended light. In this far wall area, near the far right hand side of the image, there are two light sources that seem to be associated with a distant window. The lower oblong rectangle, which is the taller light source, is in the middle of the triangle outline. This triangle is also visible in the image at the top of this page as a final confirmation that these two photographs show adjacent sections of the factory. To the left of the pillar with the pincer like tool, there is a V shaped drive belt rising from table height to a large drive wheel in the roof space and further to the left of this, there is a parallel drive belt from bench height rising into the roof space, which crosses the left hand congruent side of the triangle over half its way from the bench to the first beam above the bench where it disappears from view. The oblong rectangular light source that was in the centre of the triangle, is also visible in the image above however it has moved to the left of centre from the perspective in the image at the top of this page.
One last observation regarding these adjacent sections. In the second image of the TIM assembly section that I have not presented on this website, the light coming in through the window at the far right side of the image at the top of this page, can be seen lighting up the TIM assembly section although the window is not seen in the perspective from the TIM assembly section. This is not apparent in the image above as the second photo of this section is taken about 15 degrees to the right of the one above and takes in more of the area closer to the window and additionally that photo was taken from a more elevated position showing more of the back of the TIM assembly section.