This is one of several pages relating to the history of the automatic totalisator, its invention in 1913, the inventor George Julius and the Australian company he founded in 1917 which became a monopoly ( later part of an oligopoly ) in this field. This page is a continuation of the photo gallery which displays images relating to early totalisators.
Photo Gallery continued |
This is a continuation of a set of photographs, some lent and some donated to me by Frank Matthews, relating to totalisator history and the company Automatic Totalisators Limited. I am very grateful to Frank for having kept these photographs from being discarded at George Julius' engineering consulting company Julius Poole and Gibson. Frank Matthews was the last Senior Partner of that company. This page extends the previous photo gallery page of this website and continues to present a picture-book like view of totalisator history. If you are reading this out of sequence and would like to start at the beginning of the Photo Gallery scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Previous page button of the navigation bar.
This part of the photo Gallery gives a good view of the development of this equipment through the mechanical era into the electronics era. It shows some mechanical drawings and later some electronic circuit diagrams which are a good contrast of technologies as well.
Julius Organ Company Of Australia |
I have included this small section of interest here as this is a page with little text. This section is an example of the diverse subjects that this history embraces.
In February 2014 I received an email from Fred Hawkins, indicating that he was a member of a group recording the history of electronic organs. He was seeking more information on the subject. It was not long before that I was informed that Automatic Totalisators used to manufacture organs through its subsidiary the Julius Organ Company Of Australia. I broadcast an email to the Ex ATL network to see if anyone could provide more information as I had none. Following are the pertinent replies.
Very surprised that there is interest in the ATL Premier Organ project, Its now a long time ago.
I worked for Stromberg Carlson from 1952 until it closed manufacture in 1962, nine years and 10 months. During most of the period I worked in the Stromberg development department as one of the technicians that assisted the senior engineers in the engineering and design of many products. Radio, Television, circulating fans, lawn mowers, Organs etc. It was an era of change, the transistor was only just coming into general production.
The SC Marketing manager Alan Freedman would travel to America annually looking for new advances in consumer technology, he would buy examples of innovative products and send them back to SC's development department, together with the marketing people evolved into new models for local markets. On one occasion Alan sent back two organs, a desk top 22 key toy reed organ, which was good fun to play as the keys were numbered with sheet music also numbered. The other was a Thomas single manual electronic organ, which was selling very well in the USA. It was decided to reverse engineer this organ after obtaining a licence from Thomas. I worked on the project from start to finish "Australianising" all of the electronics and devising the production set up. When all this work was completed I was appointed supervisor of the organ production department. I had a staff of 8-10 all girl immigrants with little English but willing workers. On a daily basis 10 organs a day were made and delivered to the SC distribution company. I was re-assigned back to the development department where we continued to develop a more sophisticated organ.
At this time SC had a general manager, a Harry Ibbotson, a keen organist he also had a good ear for musical tones. I spent many weeks trying to perfect the sounds, musical instruments that it would reproduce over the whole key board. Clarinets and flute tones were particularly difficult to achieve. Early in 1962 SC was in financial difficulties and production stopped; I was given notice finishing in early May 1962.
Harry Ibbotson was now general manager of Automatic Totalisators where he had developed the Julius Premier organ based on the Thomas /SC design. When he learned that there was several SC engineers looking for a job he contacted them including me and six ex SC engineers started new careers at ATL. I started work as the manager of the Julius Organ manufacturing department, on the 23 of May 1962
A staff of three produced three organs a week. Each organ was made to order depending on where it was to be used. We produced many models with variations, tape deck, head phones, radio, record players, bass boost amplifiers and huge speaker housings capable of delivering 120 watts, measured with C played on the pedal clavier which represented a 16 foot pipe.
The Thomas Organ used a shared note system of three adjacent notes on the same tone generator most musicians detected this anomaly; others did not notice the sometimes missing note.
Because the organ department did not have the returns on investment ATL sold the organ business to an enthusiast who continued to make the remainder of the production batch.
I do not have any memorabilia, relating to the organ, however if I can supply any further information please ask.
Neville is pictured above in Melbourne December 1965 after 11 months of work on the four Melbourne city race tracks. I have included this image as it was taken at a time not too far distant from the Julius Organ era. Additionally Bruce Rutter mentions Neville and his work on the Melbourne City racetracks below.
I recall that the General Manager (a Harry Ibbotson) was an organist, and that as we walked down that long corridor from Research, up to the lunchroom at the other end of the building, the melodious sounds of an organ could often be heard wafting from the 'showroom' upstairs at Meadowbank.
I certainly can confirm that we manufactured electronic organs. We sold one to the Catholic Church at Norwood ( I think) an Adelaide suburb in about 1964. It was just before I was appointed as the S A manager and Jimmy Sharpe our SA Engineer used to be called upon to maintain the Organ and I was under the impression it was a bit of a "hot potato" which we were keen to disown. I am unsure of Jimmy's health or whereabouts now.
And a later email:
Great to get your update re the Julius Organs and to read Neville Mitchell's memories of their manufacture. I did not know the history of their existence and apart from Jim Sharpe's experience in Adelaide they were gone before I commenced in Sydney with the Company in September 1964. At that time we were very busy with the first Australian computer system for the Melbourne tracks Neville was very much associated with its installation in Melbourne. See the photograph of Neville above taken after the completion of the Melbourne installation. I was transferred to Adelaide in May 1965 so was not so involved with the factory. After 5 years in Adelaide I had a couple of years in Melbourne before returning to Sydney.
Joe Norris was a great historian on the Company and used to relate stories of activities at Alice St Newtown where I believe it was involved in the War effort during W W 2. Bob Stone and Rod Richards were before my time but I had quite a bit to do with Merv Reid and Grahame Collins - nice guys.
Inside one of the Brisbane tote mobiles
In the above photo, Bruce is on the far right hand side and I, Brian am on the far left hand side. This photo was taken in 1979 during the opening period of the new computer totes that superseded the Julius Totes on the Queensland racetracks. The other two people in the photograph is Dale on the left, a leading programmer and Bob, a long serving Engineering Manager of Automatic Totalisators
I remember going to Southport to finish off a nurse call system with communication to supervisors desk, radio controller, etc in the ladies cancer hospital. Many things were tried including stove clocks which were not very reliable but I think S.L. over-ruled inspection and sent them out. Then one or two big trucks returned them and someone may have been asked to leave. Seems a long time ago.
Whilst I was at ATL in 1961/62 there was talk about Totes making Electronic Organs. Working back one night there was an organ recital at the factory in the canteen area, which was quite an unusual event and pleasant to listen to. This recital possibly had something to do with the organ manufacture, apart from that there is nothing else that I know of.
One other thing that did catch my eye at that time, was bench work being done on a jet propulsion unit for a boat, I take it to be a replacement for an outboard motor, I do not know if anything ever came of the project.
My its a long time ago now since I first met you. Do you remember interviewing me for the job on the radio production line in 1952? I had been working for a small radio repair shop in Chatswood for about a year when I became disillusioned with the routine work of repairing household appliances and radios, and the 5 1/2 day week.
I started on your radio production line, threading dial cord on radio gram chassis' sitting with a very fat lady who was a great instructor. I eventually was able to do most of the work of all the ladies on the line when one was absent.
I was moved into the development department working with Neville Oates, George Jenkins ,Harry Modell all under Allan Scott. I worked on the development of the first 17" television receiver and further TV models, with George Jenkins. I moved into transistor radio design and field testing. then I was involved in the reverse engineering of the Thomas organ including setting up the production line and initial production. Later I was involved with the design of an SC organ with a full keyboard and no shared notes. It was never finished as the company folded in 1962-3
Fred it is great to have you contact me after so many years, 60 to be exact...
Synchronicity continued |
Me admiring the F111 cockpit parachute module
June 2015. Last year Narelle and I had a wonderful day in the Amberley Aviation Museum. It was totalisator history that brought us to the museum in the first place as Neville Mitchell, the best Automatic Totalisators company historian I know, put me in contact with Warren Martens, whose wife Kay, is a relative. Warren is ex-RAAF and is a volunteer at the museum. He showed us the museum on a day when it was not open to the public so we had the museum to ourselves which was fantastic.
They had multiple F111s there including the cockpit section of an F111, which had been jettisoned. I spent considerable time dangling inside that. When I extracted myself from it, Warren introduced me to Phil Parsons. Warren said he was a pilot and when I asked Phil what he flew he pointed to the F111 and said these. After demonstrating a reasonable amount of awe, I said "I noticed the Airspeed Indicator was implemented as a tape and not the conventional circular instrument and that I had always thought the tape rendition was a product of the glass cockpit and now realise it predated the glass cockpits". I seem to have touched on a topic Phil was fond of and he started on the benefits of the tape version of instruments. I then asked him what the VNE (Velocity Never Exceed) of the F111 was. I always thought every aircraft ever made had a VNE. I was wrong! He said well actually it has no concept of VNE. He said drolly, what we have, pointing to a little gauge behind the bombardier's headrest, is one of these. It measures the skin temperature of the aircraft. He said if we spend too long above this limiting temperature the aircraft begins to melt and we have to slow down! I can write much more about this conversation which I found absolutely captivating, however I will refrain as it will rapidly become a chapter in itself. I have a photograph of Phil Parsons talking to me and my delight is on display demonstrated in a smile which extends from ear to ear.
Now for the synchronicity!
I received an email from David Rogers in August 2013 through the totalisator history website, well before my visit to Amberley. He was interested in his mother's cousin Norm Noble, who used to work for Automatic Totalisators Limited. So it was totalisator history that put us in touch. I told David everything I knew about Norm and that I considered him to be a good friend. I attended a sales presentation Norm gave at the premises of a potential customer in Brisbane. It created a lifelong memory as I have not seen a more polished sales presentation prior or since. There are some people who just make you feel good by being in their presence, and I miss Norm! I can still hear his words resounding in my ears, which he emphatically spoke, when you said something that he fervently agreed with "I KNOW, I KNOW".
Norm's sales presentation and my memories of him are a story in itself, so back to this one. I quickly ascertained that David was a pilot and we exchanged tales of our flying and I discovered he had been an F111 pilot. As David was the first F111 pilot I had communicated with and as my flying was limited to what could at best be called moderate subsonic cruising speeds awe was engendered, communicating with someone accustomed to Mach numbers greater than 1, not to mention the many other features of this aircraft like the swinging wing, the payload the manoeuvrability and the strike capability. I recently sent David details of the latest updates to this website and whilst I was writing, I thought he would be interested to read about my experience with the F111 cockpit module in the Amberley Aviation Museum and my meeting Phil Parsons. I could not believe his reply!
Not only does he know Phil Parsons, but the very cockpit module that I had my head and shoulders ensconced in for ages, was the very one that he ejected in, from a burning F111!!! Furthermore he was the Commander of Amberley Airbase and was the one who turned the cockpit module into a training facility for F111 pilots and when the F111s were retired, argued against it being moved to a Naval Museum in Nowra, ensuring that it stayed at Amberley in the Aviation museum. He sent documents on the F111 including one he had written, relating to the unforgettable experience of ejecting from the F111 in the cockpit parachute module. I found it absolutely fascinating as did the others I shared this with. His email also had an image of the cockpit module floating in the water. The following are extracts from his first email on this subject.
I had a wry smile on my face when you were describing your visit to the museum at Amberley. The place is indeed a credit to the guys who have put a lot of time into all the restorations and garnering the collection...
You mentioned sitting in the module 'that had been jettisoned' looking at the tape instruments. By coincidence, that was the module my Nav and I ejected from A8-141 near Waiheke Island (about 10 miles NE of Auckland) on 28 October 1978 at 1215 local time! Something one never forgets. The aircraft was on fire so we had little option but to depart. The module came down in the sea and we didn't even get wet! Later, I had it modified into a training aid for the crews and it was used at airshows and displays all round Australia for about 20 years...
So now you have sat in the only F-111 module in the world ever to 'land' in the sea following an ejection.
In a later email David added the following piece of information Phil Parsons mentioned about the F-111 not having a VNE: he was right about skin temperature but equally the main limiter was the windscreen temperature, for which you had a warning light and countdown timer. If the screen temp reached a certain value, a timer was started which then counted down for something like 60 seconds, when it was mandatory to slow down. I have had an F-111 up to Mach 2.5 as have many others. She was a real goer at high altitude.
Once you open the door, coincidence begets coincidence. I passed a question onto David from Ron Elgar, a friend of mine who was a Qantas Q400 captain. Perhaps you could ask your friend Dave if he knew my boss when I was at the Police Air Wing. Name - Mick Lucas who was also a F111 Pilot with the Air Force before joining the Police. David's reply was You can tell Ron that Mick Lucas is a good friend. We were on the first group to train on the F-111 in the U.S. in 1968 and later picked up the Phantoms in 1970 and flew them till they went back to the U.S. Mick was later my Executive Officer in 6SQN when I was the CO flying F-111s. He then left and went to the NT Police Air Wing. He retired to Mission Beach in NQ. And Ron's comment on this was Such a small world is it not? and he asked if David knew Mick's predecessor providing the following description. Also when I worked in the Air Wing under Mick Lucas, I remember that Mick had replaced the previous Chief Pilot Rick Farrell or O'Farrell who I believe was also a F111 Pilot and was involved in the setting up of the NT Police Air Wing.
Having just written about coincidence begets coincidence, David's reply, which follows, has a self contained coincidence: You can tell Ron Elgar that I know Rick O'Ferrall too. Rick had done an exchange posting with the USAF at Mt Home AFB in Idaho flying F-111Fs. Whilst he was there he was involved in an accident in which he and his nav ejected. We lost our first F-111 in 1976 with an exchange USAF pilot driving so we always thought that the two air forces were even after that! As I understand it, he took the job at the NT Air Wing on the understanding that he would be staying for some time but resigned not long after it was set up and Mick then applied and got the job.
Following are some particularly pertinent paragraphs extracted from a captivating report David wrote on this incident:
I confirmed Pete was ready and I called "ejecting" and squeezed and pulled the handle. There was a series of metallic clunking noises and then a whoosh with a very rapid acceleration. I guess we blacked out for about a second and I had a feeling that we were over on our backs upside down (which was not the case, but an example of an ocular-graphic illusion so the medical specialists told us later). I saw some chaff* above the module and thankfully a very big parachute deployed gently and then with a jerk, the module repositioned and all was very quiet. We were both OK but felt a bit of pain between the shoulder blades. Looking out the canopy, we could see 141** below us with fire belching out the top of the fuselage all the way back to the tail. We watched in silence as she wallowed, then finally stalled and went into the water near Waiheke Island. I can recall holding three fingers up to Pete as if to say, "That's the third one we have lost"**.
We reviewed all the landing in water checks and readied for the impact. The water was dead smooth and there were a few fishing boats turning towards us, which was comforting. We could also see Herb and Keith circling above the module. The 'landing' was really hard and I can remember the whole module being below water, but she popped to the surface, just as advertised. The module impacts the surface at 29ft/sec which is the same as jumping off a 30 foot cliff, but the air 'Impact Attenuation Bags' soften the blow. We expected the softening though to be a bit better than it turned out! We completed the checks and fired the self-righting bags and checked the 'boat' for leaks. The control column in the F-111 converts into a bilge pump and the standing joke was that it was the Navigator's job to pump if there was a leak. As I saw a bit of water somewhere, I pulled the pin at the base of the stick and said, "OK Pete, start pumping." His sly grin said it all.
By now, there were two boats around the module and we asked the little one if he would come in so we could jump aboard. As there weren't many things to turn off now that the aircraft had left, we clambered into the runabout and shut the canopies. The boat owner, a Bruce McDonald from Papatoetoe, had been fishing with his father when they saw the whole incident. Our throats were a bit dry at this stage and we asked if they had something to drink. In true Kiwi style, out came the local lager, so we had a small swig perhaps to calm down and in hindsight, a small celebration. Some days late, the doctor said quietly that our blood samples had shown a faint trace of alcohol! I explained the situation with a comment that Kiwi beer must be strong!
After about 10 minutes, we could hear a chopper coming and we noticed a C-130 circling overhead with Herb above them. I later found out that the 'Herc' skipper was Carey Adamson, later Chief of the Air Staff of the RNZAF and then Chief of the Defence Force. The 'Iroquois' was flown by Flight Lieutenant Don Hamilton (also a later RNZAF CAS) and he winched us into the helo and flew us back to Whenuapai. The doctor checked us out and we suggested that some x-rays might be advisable. As this had been the first ejection in New Zealand and the civvy doctor said he wasn't too familiar with the after-effects, he accepted our advice. Unbeknownst to us, we had both suffered broken vertebrae in the thoracic area of our backs on the landing and my seat harness had torn a muscle in my shoulder - but other than that, we were OK. The RNZAF hooked up a call to our wives so that we could tell them what had happened before the news hit the headlines. Thank goodness the CNN factor wasn't around then!! The whole emergency from the hot light to the chopper landing at Whenuapai, had taken about 45 minutes and not a drop of water had touched us.
* chaff - reflective chaff-like pieces of foil that assist in crew location by radar for rescue purposes. Select 'On' only over friendly territory!
** A8-135, April '77 - engine oil overheat. A8-133, September '77 - bird strike. A8-141, October '78 - wheel well hot. Then later, A8-137, August '79 - water ingestion.
One final word about the above from Warwick Halcrow, who was an Automatic Totalisators Limited Systems Programmer: I am a great fan of "The Pig" or Aardvark F/B-111 and regret its politically expedient departure from our Defence Inventory, but that is another story. What a great connection in the ATL Vortex, with a capsule ejection and a survivor both man and machinery there to tell a tale or three of its history.
Narelle and I visited very good friends of ours Les and Rosie McPherson at their home in Ashby near Chatsworth Island in NSW. Les was my boss when we worked at Channel 10 in Sydney. He was in charge of the Video Tape Maintenance Department, to which I belonged. I have already made reference to working at Channel Ten in the previous page of this website, above the image titled An Ampex ACR25 VTR, which shows one of the machines in Les' department. I have reproduced this image below:
An Ampex ACR25 VTR | ![]() |
![]() |
Both cabinets in the image above are part of the same machine, the main electronics cabinet on the left and the tape store and transport system on the right. Les was a major mentor to me. Les and Rosie's hospitality left us feeling like we were royalty! A wonderful experience! We spent much time on guided tours of this beautiful part of Australia. An additional bonus was that we could meet up with our son Ian's fiance's family in nearby Lawrence.
One of Les and Rosie's tour destinations was Evans Head. I was particularly interested in Evans Head as I recall flying through this area on many occasions in light aircraft whilst travelling between Bankstown and Archerfield or Brisbane. I used to hope that the RAAF military control zone would be inactive as it being active would require a detour around it. Additionally there is a level of unease associated with flying in the proximity of low flying high speed formidable aircraft. Of course the main activity of the current car tour to Evans Head, was a visit to the Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome and in particular the Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome Heritage Aviation Association's Museum. I had no idea when I walked through the doors of the museum what an exciting treat lay ahead of me.
I was afforded the opportunity to engage in an F111 cockpit experience which the Museum offers to the general public. With the unbelievable coincidence with the F111 documented above and the fact that I have seen most of Australia by light aircraft as a GA pilot, I could not resist this opportunity. I fully expected a museum assistant trained in the basics of F111 operations to conduct the cockpit experience. I could not believe it, when my cockpit tour guide announced he flew C130s and that he had flown the F111 simulator. The experience in an instant, snapped into a level of realism I had not anticipated, which to me was an absolute delight. My tour guide who had instantly transformed into a flight instructor was Rod Kinnish. We quickly established that we both love Twin Comanches. Of course in keeping with all this synchronicity, when I asked Rod if he knew David Rogers, he indicated he knew him.
Rod talked me through a mock startup of the engines, a taxi and take-off. Of course there was no time to go into the details involved in any checklist items, but the details that were presented had me floundering trying to grasp some of the mind blowing aspects of military aviation. Not having been in a cockpit for a few years and not in a gas turbine cockpit for decades I was no doubt mind numbingly slow. I was far too slow triggering the shot clock whilst starting the left hand engine but seemed to rectify that in the right engine cross bleed start. There were a string of brand new concepts like wing sweepback control and exhaust aperture control. I was not allowed to advance the thrust control levers from ground idle, when we were lined up, till I had my head pressed up against the headrest. As Rod described it, there is no other way to put it other than you are riding a rocket. When he called for max thrust I set the thrust control levers to max thrust without afterburners. Rod quickly urged me No no - all the way. I could not believe it - 9000 Kg thrust from each engine - are we going for a vertical climb? I learnt there was no concept of V1 in this aircraft. As I rolled right from runway heading onto the departure track I heard an instruction I never thought I would ever hear reduce thrust now or you will go supersonic. Mach numbers - a new concept for me! Reaction times of a fraction of a second! In all the excitement of the stream of new experiences I totally forgot about all the instinctive things like retracting gear flaps and slats climb checks... There is an aviation experience called getting behind the aircraft which can happen when pilots first fly a considerably faster aircraft than they are used to. I first experienced this when transitioning from the Cherokee Arrow to the Single Comanche. In my first flight in a Single Com, I had just retracted the gear and the aircraft was ready for climb checks. Had I now, after so much more experience, been flying an F111 simulator, I am sure my mind would have still been on the runway whilst the aircraft passed its first waypoint. Obviously several weeks of studying manuals would be an essential prerequisite of undertaking such a gigantic transition to an F111 simulator. And then Rod gave me some lessons on the helicopter simulator, but that is an interesting story in itself and too far removed from the subject of totalisator history coincidence.
Postscript November 2016: Last month when visiting England, I spoke to Ed, my cousin Michaels daughter's husband, who is ex RAF, about this cockpit experience. I informed him that I was amazed that full afterburner was required on take-off. He immediately provided the answer, which seemed obvious once he mentioned it. In my words, the problem was we skipped the pre-flight briefing. I was departing on a local area joy flight without weapons and only short endurance fuel and my instructor was departing on a strike mission with full fuel tanks and full weapons payload. I was delighted with that revelation as it had been puzzling me.
A thrilling experience in a complete F111 at Evans Head
To anyone reading this who is interested in a cockpit experience, but is put off by the technobabble, I am sure these experiences are tailored to each customer and that no prior knowledge is required. I think that for any person with a modicum or even no aviation knowledge, who clambers into this F111 cockpit, that they will exit knowing much more about military aviation. I probably made a fool of myself as a pilot, however at no time was I given that impression and I am left with a wonderful memory that I know will remain for the rest of my days.
I am so impressed with this experience, that I have made an exception to my principle of only putting external links up on the links page of this website and presented a link to the Museum's Website here. I recommend it to anyone wishing to learn about military aviation.
June 2015. I have been looking at the wealth of family information Tony Shellshear, George Julius' great grandson, has provided for me. I have written in the previous page of this website, how I seem to live in places that connect me with totalisator history. I have written about the view from my old home at boarding school, called Street House, showing me an early workplace of mine where I would be working for AWA, which at the Opera House was a subcontractor to George's engineering consulting company Julius Poole and Gibson. I included an image of the view from Street House with this text in the previous page. I have reproduced the Street House image below.
The Western view from Street House in 1964
In Tony's documentation I discovered that George Julius' house at Darling point, is at the tip of the headland on the other side of Double Bay in this image. This headland is clearly visible as the landmass projecting from the left hand side of the image into Sydney harbour, with all the apartment blocks on it. I have written in that section about connections between Northwood where I lived and totalisator history, as well as similar connections when I lived in Gordon. There are more connections between this history and locations important to me like Wahroonga in Sydney and Midlands in Perth documented in the previous page of this website. George passed away in his home in Killara and from Tony's documentation, I have discovered that George's wife Eva later lived in a flat in Killara, very close to where I lived in Gordon. Local attractions like the Greengate Hotel and the Marian Street Theatre that I know well, are also close to Eva's flat.
When I retired we moved to Toowoomba thinking that Totalisator History will not catch up with us here. I was wrong! On looking through Tony's Julius memorabilia, I discovered George's 60th Birthday greeting from his friends at Rotary showing a scene from Toowoomba.
Sir George Julius's 60 birthday greeting scene of Toowoomba Range
By the time I reached the age that George's card celebrated, Narelle and I had owned a block of land in Toowoomba for many years and a few years after that we were seriously contemplating retirement and moving to Toowoomba, oblivious to George's connection to it.
I have found the reason for the Toowoomba birthday card above in a Trove Newspaper Archive article with the following details: 1933 'SIR GEORGE JULIUS', Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), 1 May, p. 5. , viewed 18 Jun 2017,
The article reads:
TOOWOOMBA, Saturday.Sir George Julius (president of the Sydney Rotary Club and chairman of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) attained his sixtieth birthday to-day. In honour of the occasion, members of the Sydney, North Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Lismore, and Goulburn rotary clubs assembled at the Toowoomba Club, and presented him with a photograph, suitably inscribed.
Mr. B. Gelling eulogised the value of Sir George's public service in various spheres, and Mr. P. D. Riddell (president of thc Newcastle Club) also voiced his appreciation.
Kindly reference was also made to Sir George's father, who was Archbishop and Primate of New Zealand until he retired. He is now in his eighty-sixth year.
In November 2017 after I wrote to Dermot Elworthy, George Julius' great nephew, that there was an Elworthy Street in Toowoomba he wrote the following, which is a connection between George Julius and Toowoomba through family ties:
I'm not surprised that such exists. If you care to blow some dust off the records of the Toowoomba and Darling Downs District Family History Society, (how do I know of these obscure things?!), you will determine that my great Grandfather Edward, then known as a "pastoralist", purchased several large amounts of Government land in Queensland during the middle of the 19th. century. When Toowoomba became a municipality in 1863, Edward, always of entrepreneurial bent, saw an opportunity and bought several blocks in the town, although he lived some distance away in Dalby. I suspect that the street commemorates one or all of these purchases, possibly confirmed in the municipal records.
Dermot mentions his great grandfather Edward Elworthy above. There is an additional coincidence involving Edward and me. Edward emigrated from the UK where he lived in Wellington in Somerset where a relative of mine happens to live. This is documented in the George Julius Genealogy and other latterday interest chapter in the Posthumously section of this website, under the heading Germany and Britain Holiday 2016.
This is not synchronicity however it has to do with my thought that, in coming to Toowoomba this is a place where totalisator history will never find me. In 2018 Narelle and I attended the Weetwood Handicap, as we had wanted to attend a meeting at Clifford Park Racecourse since we moved to Toowoomba four years ago. It had all the appeal of a big city track and it was a nostalgic and enjoyable day. I did not speak to any of the staff at the track as I know that race-club staff are stretched to the limit on carnival days and I presumed there had not been a Julius Tote on this racetrack anyway. It is now four months later and I was going through old Automatic Totalisators Limited documents in search of information on the White City London installations. I was scanning through some of the installation documents, which all are somewhat different as they tend to be snapshots taken at different times. I was flabbergasted when I read in one of these documents about a Julius Tote installation for the Toowoomba Turf Club Queensland. How wrong one can be! I had once again trodden on ground where a Julius Tote had been. The company document is titled JULIUS PREMIER TOTALISATORS, which has a picture of the world on the front cover on which are the words ALL OVER THE WORLD. Also at the bottom of the front cover there are two lines, the first reads: TOTALISATORS LIMITED, and below that in smaller type: 93 PARK STREET, LONDON, W.I. ENGLAND. Totalisators Limited was the U.K. associate company of Automatic Totalisators Limited. The details are Name: Toowoomba Turf Club, Queensland Australia, Type: Win and Place, Runners or Combinations: 40, Indicators: 1, Ticket issuing machines: 8. It is funny that I learn about a Julius Tote in my home town in Australia, from our old associate company in the antipode!
Whilst being amazed by the discovery that there was a Julius Tote in Toowoomba, I happened to notice the following entry in the list of installations, which happened to be Townsville. This caught my attention as Narelle and I were in Townsville a few months ago, entertaining my cousins from Germany who were visiting us for six weeks. Again I had presumed there was no Julius Tote in Townsville. Wrong again! The details are Name: Townsville Turf Club, Queensland Australia, Type: Win and Place, Runners or Combinations: 36, Indicators: 1, Ticket issuing machines: 7.
In March 2016 Narelle and I went to visit friends of ours Kirk and Von in Geelong. On the way we stopped in Melbourne for a few days. There we met with Chris Robertson, an ex high value punter in Victoria with an intense interest in Automatic Totalisators Limited. We stayed at the same place we stayed at during the previous visit which is close to Princes Park. After the first trip to Melbourne we discovered that the place we stayed was on Chris Robertson's doorstep so we decided we would visit him on this trip. Coincidence one. We were on the way to Geelong and as it turns out, this is Chris' home town. Coincidence two. Whilst visiting Kirk and Von in Geelong, Kirk tells me that a friend of his who is on the Institution of Engineers Australia Heritage Committee, informed him that he had completed the work on the recent Julius Tote International Marker, the tote which Automatic Totalisators Limited produced. Naturally Kirk asked his friend if he knew me and he replied in the affirmative. Coincidence three. Whilst we were in Geelong, Kirk and Von took Narelle and I to the National Wool Museum, where I was fascinated seeing a Jacquard Loom working, something I had aspired to for a long time, as this is thought to be the first programmable industrial machine. Rod Richards is an ex Automatic Totalisators Limited employee with an interest in historical machinery. When I wrote to him, expounding my excitement watching this machine in action, he replied informing me of his connection to this very machine! Coincidence four. Following are extracts from his email regarding his son in law Paul:
Claire's husband Paul grew up in the weaving industry and worked as a weaving and factory manager in Sydney. Several years ago now, Paul answered an advertisement for a weaving and factory manager's position, at the Classweave Mill in Geelong. Paul was accepted for the job which he was quite happy about as the Classweave Mill was an old established mill known for quality products. The Jacquard Loom now situated in the museum, was operating in this mill at the time and became part of Paul's responsibility.
Having mentioned Rod Richards, a final coincidence, number five, is that at a recent meeting with Rod Richards and his wife Elizabeth, Rod informed me that he met with Rex Turner regularly at a local Bowls Club. I was flabbergasted, I had not heard anything about Rex for around thirty five years and now Rod was the means of our reunion. Furthermore, it was ironic that Rex and Rod had independently met and discovered that they both had worked for the same company Automatic Totalisators Limited, albeit in totally different eras. Finally, what they were not aware of until I informed them, is that Rex had performed the computer totalisator installation in 1978 that replaced the Julius Totalisator at Ipswich Queensland, that Rod had installed in 1950.
There was one final coincidence with Geelong that Dermot informed me of in his November 2017 email mentioned above. He informed me that his ancestor Foster Fyans went to Melbourne before Victoria became a State and was appointed police magistrate in the nascent Geelong. Dermot provided more information in a later email. Following are some extracts:
He made his HQ on the Moorabool river, now known as Fyansford and set about planning present-day Geelong.He was responsible for the breakwater in Corio Bay, developing the port which at the time became the colony's largest exporter of wool; he constructed a ford across the Barwon river (today the area known as Breakwater) and in 1840 he was appointed commissioner for Crown lands for the Portland Bay district - quite a large area. In 1849 he was reappointed police magistrate and became the inaugural mayor of the Geelong Town Council.
On the previously mentioned subject that totalisator history will not be able to find me here in Toowoomba, I have just received an email from one of my totalisator history contacts on the opposite side of the planet relating his abstract connection with Toowoomba. I hope to meet Neil next year when he visits Australia.
On 21/5/2018 I received an email titled Josiah Dent, from Neil who prefers to be referred to as Neil C, who worked with the Harringay Julius Totalisator in London. Neil wrote the following:
I trust the name in the title means something to you as a resident of Toowoomba. I had recalled a member of my fishing club talking about Toowoomba and having relatives in the area. I saw him today and he tells me that Josiah Dent was his great grandfather's brother. Small world?Small World indeed. I had to be educated about my own town by a totalisator history connection from the antipode! I have since discovered on the Internet that Josiah was the first Caucasian to be living in what was thought to be the uninhabited swamp that would later become Toowoomba. Later I discovered some history plaques embedded in the pavement outside the Toowoomba Grand Central shopping centre in Margaret street, one of which bears the name Josiah Dent with information about him being the first inhabitant of the area. This discovery originating from the UK is the same as the prior entry relating to the Julius Tote that was installed at Clifford Park in Toowoomba, where the source of the information was the UK.
By the way, Neil has written the most eloquent description of a Julius Totalisator from a non technical viewpoint I have ever read. Following is Neil's description, a user's perception:
As you know I didn't work with the machinery but more on the actual Tote betting side of things. I do recall the machinery - the noise and shiny brass & copper. It had a strange beauty in its mechanical intricacy and component parts that the mechanics lovingly cared for. I wish now I had taken some photos, but I was young then and probably didn't really appreciate how special the equipment was.
On 28/5/2018 Neil wrote again. Following is the body of his email:
Synchronicity. I have just watched the Indianapolis 500 race from the USA. Won by Will Power who was born in Toowoomba! Coincidence or what?Funny that Neil should mention Will Power. We attended a public Open Day for Wellcamp Airport near Toowoomba, prior to it opening. As a celebration of the completion of the runway, a race was set up down it between Will Power driving a V8 racing car and a Cessna Mustang business jet. The outcome was predictable but exciting.
I guess his home town will be celebrating today.
This next coincidence occurred in Peterborough South Australia when Narelle and I were on our way home from a Chrysler Rally in McLaren Vale near Adelaide in October 2019. We stayed in Peterborough and thought we were going to an outback town with minimalistic facilities but to the contrary found it was a delightful experience missing nothing and ended up spending a second night there. We visited the Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre during the day and also attended the night light and sound show. To set the scene of this light and sound show, you are in a railway carriage that is on top of the old Turntable of the Roundhouse. The side of the carriage, which all the seats face, looks out at an arc of the roundhouse with rolling stock and engines in it. One sits in the carriage and sees a light display on the rolling stock and engines in the roundhouse section. There is also a film that is shown about the history of this once very significant rail centre in Australia, because it was at the intersection of the Ghan and the Transcontinental railway lines. Nothing could have been further from my mind than Automatic Totalisators Limited, as I was lapping up the remoteness and disconnectedness from everything we were accustomed to. Just before the show in the carriage mentioned, there was a bit of an intro to the show we were about to see. They got to the bit about where the carriage we were sitting in was built. They said it was built by the Meadowbank Manufacturing Company. Well I immediately thought Meadowbank England? Meadowbank in South Australia if there is one? And then the announcer said "In Sydney." I could not believe it, I was sitting in outback Australia in a railway carriage that I believed I would have no connection with whatsoever and I find it was built in Meadowbank Sydney where the Automatic Totalisators Limited Head Office and Factory were.
The Meadowbank Manufacturing Company Carriage
Needless to say I did a bit of investigating and found that the Meadowbank Manufacturing Company was founded in 1890. The founder was Mellor Brothers. Mellor Brothers were a South Australian firm, which established factories in Sydney (Meadowbank Manufacturing Co) and Melbourne (Braybook Implement Co) in 1890. I further discovered that the Meadowbank TAFE sits on some of the land occupied by this factory. This located the Meadowbank Manufacturing Company Factory where this carriage was built, diagonally across Constitution road from the Automatic Totalisators Limited head office and factory where I worked. I also discovered that the house built for the manager of the Meadowbank Manufacturing Company, which was built on the factory grounds and was originally called Bartonville and later was changed to "The Laurels", is still standing. When I saw an image of The Laurels on the Internet I realised I had noticed the house many times during the years of walking past as it is an impressive sandstone one. There is a monument at the northern end of the house on the footpath with the following inscription:
An additional link between the above coincidence and totalisator history is that I have read that George Julius did work on the Transcontinental Railway project, one of the two major Australian railways that passed through the Peterborough railway junction. The last Director of Julius Poole and Gibson, George Julius' engineering consulting company, confirmed that George worked on the Trans Continental Railway project.
It did not take long for the next synchronicity to take place in November 2019. I had just completed adding a historic ATL letter provided by Bill Johnson to one of the pages in the Photo Gallery index above, the one under the heading Early Factory Images with the associated text starting with Some staff outside the Chalmers Street Factory. In adding the text to accommodate this new letter I was reminded that Keith Dodwell, an ex Automatic Totalisators Limited employee who worked on the establishment of this company's American subsidiary company called ATUSA later renamed Autotote, who later became the Executive Vice President of Autotote, had passed away a few years earlier. Since then life has been so hectic that I did not have a moment to think about it since. I was slightly surprised when my computer announced the arrival of an Email a minute or so after I uploaded this new version to the Internet that confirmed Keith Dodwell was indeed in the staff image in that Photo Gallery page. The Email arrived at 10:14PM on Black Friday 29th November, as I was preparing to shut the system down for the night. I changed my mind and decided to read the email before shutting down, as I was incredulous after reading the subject which read Remembering keith Dodwell!!! The body of the email showed an image of a burning candle with the words Remembering above and keith Dodwell below, followed by Dear Family and Friends of Keith Dodwell, followed by more information soliciting new entries in Keith's memorial guest book starting with the sentence Being remembered matters! I had no idea that my work on this page was just over a day prior to the anniversary of his passing. The words Being remembered matters are of particular significance to me as my mother said when she knew she was terminally ill, no one really dies until the last person who remembers them dies!
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